
Welcome to my humble homepage

This web-page was first created nearly three years ago in 1995. Have a look at the original HTML script to see how far things have come.

Recently, I have ported this page from a static webpage to this blogsite. Some of the hyperlinks are probably not working. Will look at rectifying them over time.

Being a homepage, it is an entrance to a range of websites that I have created. Think of it as somewhat akin to the root directory of your harddisk. There is nothing specific here. I will only be updating this page if/when I have some new section to add or remove. For something substantial and the newer stuff, you will have to choose one or more of the following and click.

Anyway, here are some websites I am maintaining:

One more thing, for those who know a little about me. I have stopped maintaining the Socratic Circle website. Click on it for the new url.

Small hut
Snail mail:
1007 Lower Delta Road #12-04
Singapore 099310

Will write more when I find the time. Will probably have to take leave for that. In the meantime, cheerio.

Drop me a note

Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS!

Created: 27th July 1995.
Updated : 28th July 2010.

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