Clan War Strategy Discussion

We have been thinking about different possible strategies to adopt. This open wiki, i.e. anybody can just edit it, even without logging in. All you have to do is to click on the icons on the right to get started.

Strategy 1: Simple and Direct

I like this strategy because it is easy to understand and implement.

Just hit your mirror in the opponent’s clan for your first attack. Then use your second attack to clean up whatever that is available.

So, the 1st-placed warrior on our side will attack the 1st-placed castle on the opponent’s side; the 2nd-placed warrior attacked their 2nd; etc.

Strategy 2: Simple groups of 5

We tried this a few weeks back, but I don’t think I am describing it completely, so any assistance to help flesh out the detail is much appreciated.

Warriors are grouped in fives, i.e. Group 1 comprise those placed 1st to 5th; Group 2 comprise those placed 6th to 10th; etc. Warriors then attack opposing castles within the same group for their first attack, and then in the lower group in the 2nd.

So, for example, the first group of 1st to 5th will attack their mirror for the first attack, then 6th to 10th respectively for the second attack.

Strategy 3: Groups of 3 hit opposing groups of 4

The idea about this strategy is a modification of the above.

Warriors are grouped in threes, i.e. Group 1 comprise those placed 1st to 3rd; Group 2 comprise those placed 4th to 6th; etc. For the opponent, we group them in fours, i.e. Group 1 comprise enemies placed 1st to 4th; Group 2 comprise enemies placed 5th to 8th; etc.

Each Group will first try to get as many stars as possible in the enemy group that they have been allocated. Then if not possible to get more stars, then go lower with the remaining 2nd attack(s) to clean up.

I shall attempt to illustrate how this works for Groups 1 to 5.

For Groups 6 onwards, the gap would have increased to 5 and it should be easier for the warriors to 3-star enemies 5 castles below their mirror. The idea would then be for each warrior (other than the last 5) to ensure they 3-star the enemy 5 castles below their mirror, then use their 2nd attack to clean-up whatever that is remaining.

Group 1: Warriors placed 1st to 3rd and Enemies placed 1st to 4th

For 1st attack, each warrior will hit their mirror. Then, one of the three warriors will next hit the 4th-placed enemy. If any of the three is somehow unable to attack or failed (i.e. zero star), then the other(s) should try to gain at least one star.

If the remaining warriors feel no more star is possible, and it is past the 12th or 18th hour mark, then attack enemies in Group 2.

Group 2: Warriors placed 4th to 6th and Enemies placed 5th to 8th

For 1st attack, each warrior will hit the enemy one down from their mirror: i.e. 4th warrior hit 5th enemy castle; 5th warrior hit 6th enemy castle; and 6th warrior hit 7th enemy castle.

If any of the three is somehow unable to attack or failed (i.e. zero star), then the other(s) should try to gain at least one star.

Then, one of the three warriors will next hit the 8th-placed enemy.

If the remaining warriors feel no more star is possible, and it is past the 12th or 18th hour mark, then attack enemies in Group 3.

Group 3: Warriors placed 7th to 9th and Enemies placed 9th to 12th

For 1st attack, each warrior will hit the enemy two down from their mirror: i.e. 7th warrior hit 9th enemy castle; 8th warrior hit 10th enemy castle; and 9th warrior hit 10th enemy castle.

If any of the three is somehow unable to attack or failed (i.e. zero or only 1 star), then the other(s) should try to gain at least two stars for all castles.

Then, one of the three warriors will next hit the 12th-placed enemy.

If the remaining warriors feel no more star is possible, and it is past the 12th or 18th hour mark, then attack enemies in Group 4.

Group 4: Warriors placed 10th to 12th and Enemies placed 13th to 16th

For 1st attack, each warrior will hit the enemy three down from their mirror: i.e. 10th warrior hit 13th enemy castle; 11th warrior hit 14th enemy castle; and 12th warrior hit 15th enemy castle.

If any of the three is somehow unable to attack or failed (i.e. zero or only 1 star), then the other(s) should try to gain at least two stars for all castles.

Then, one of the three warriors will next hit the 16th-placed enemy.

If the remaining warriors feel no more star is possible, and it is past the 12th or 18th hour mark, then attack enemies in Group 5.

Group 5: Warriors placed 13th to 15th and Enemies placed 17th to 20th

For 1st attack, each warrior will hit the enemy four down from their mirror: i.e. 13th warrior hit 17th enemy castle; 14th warrior hit 18th enemy castle; and 15th warrior hit 20th enemy castle.

If any of the three is somehow unable to attack or failed (i.e. only 2 stars or less), then the other(s) should try to 3-star all castles in the group.

Then, one of the three warriors will next hit the 20th-placed enemy.

If the remaining warriors feel no more star is possible, and it is past the 12th or 18th hour mark, then attack enemies further down.

Group 6: Warriors placed 16th and more

For 1st attack, each warrior will hit the enemy five down from their mirror: i.e. 16th warrior hit 21st enemy castle; 17th warrior hit 22nd enemy castle; 16th warrior 23rd enemy castle; etc.

For 2nd attack, look for castles which have not been 3-starred.

Group 7: Warriors placed in the last 5 places

As there is no enemy five down from their mirror, the idea is to attack early and attempt to 3-star whatever possible on their first attack. Then, if you have 3-starred in your first attack, go higher to at least 1-star a castle for loot.


We should ensure that all the lower half of castles are 3-starred during the first 15 hours of war so that we have a better view what castles need clean-up. So, it is important that we should use our first attack early.

While Strategy 3 looks complicated, it might help if we each focused on our respective targets and work with other warriors in the same group. To avoid confusion, leave others to take care of their groups.

I’ll see if I can tabulate the above another day.

Incidentally, the above strategy deals only with which enemy castles to attack and does not detract from the usual tactics:

Request for clan troops before attacking: State that it is for war and indicate your preferences, i.e. hogs, dragon, pekka, etc.
Draw out enemy clan castle troops first: archers are pretty effective against most cc troops.
Only Giants and Balloons zoom in on defensive structures; other troops are often diverted by clever layouts (c.f. the many gripes about stupid dragons).

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